As the New Year begins, many are asking us what the latest trends in electronic enclosures are. While one of the great advantages of these products is that they are so flexible that they can be adapted to almost any internal components, like any other manufacturer, we look to always improve how we are meeting the customers’ needs. Many of the trends we are seeing this year are logical extension of prior products but with newer features. Here is a listing of what we see as the most exciting new directions for 2017.

A NEMA and IP rated enclosure that provides strong protection at a value price
Waterproof Products
Whether they are designated with NEMA or IP ratings, products that contain electronic equipment have become so ubiquitous that they must withstand the rigors of everything from the factory floor to the farming fields. The ability of an enclosure to protect from dust and moisture has always been a value, but now is much more prevalent. It used to be in the US that only metal was used for these types of enclosures, but now, plastics of all sorts have joined the fray. Watch for the options in this area to grow
Easy Board Mounting
Applications utilizing the various development boards, such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino to name just a few, are proliferating. While originally intended just for design moments, these kits are now rolling into production. On the design desk, an enclosure is not as crucial, but in the market, it becomes an important factor. Having options for various sizes and configurations of these mini-computers is a new trend that will explode in the coming years.
Flexible Mounting
It used to be that if an enclosure needed to be mounted, it would be on a wall or perhaps as a controller on a piece of equipment. Today, as the use of personal electronics and/or the spread of individuals who need safe but portable equipment grows, mounting of an electronic enclosure takes on new meaning. Like a smart watch, we are beginning to see small qc or reporting equipment mounted on employee wrists. We are seeing tablets that need secure remote mounting with quick disengagement as a newer requirement. This area is just starting to be explored
Quick Enclosure Modification
To be successful, the customers’ needs always must be considered. Quick modification capabilities are becoming more and more crucial to the market for electronic enclosures. Also, more complex modifications are being sought to make the product truly turn-key for the assembler. This trend will rapidly escalate in the coming year.
It will be interesting to revisit these trends in the coming months to determine how they are evolving and diverging. We wish all of you a successful 2017.