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Electronic Enclosures Musings

Published on: December 16, 2011 by Blair Haas

This is the first real posting on the new Bud Industries Blog.  Why have I decided to start a blog?  Does the world really need one more?  I think it does and there are several good reasons why.  First, any good engineer focuses their energy on designing the components that go into the box, and frankly have limited time to learn the choices in enclosures.  I will chat about the best ways to select the perfect enclosure for any application.  For example, determining which NEMA rating is required for an application can be confusing, yet the right choice will save money and insure the integrity of the finished product.  Another question I will cover is the proper materials required for the enclosure.  Often, the designer is most comfortable with a material they have worked with before, but my posts will help them understand where alternatives may provide improved flexibility or functionality.  Our mission is to make specifying the least technical component, the enclosure, quick and easy.  So check back often, let me know if there are areas that you would like me to discuss, and I hope you enjoy the blog.